CFP: Wittgenstein and the Creativity of Language

Submission deadline: May 21, 2013

Conference date(s):
June 14, 2013

Go to the conference's page

Conference Venue:

The Wittgenstein Archives at the University of Bergen, Bergen University
Bergen, Norway

Topic areas


The format for this one-day workshop involves invited speakers plus selected submitted papers. We would further like to incorporate two remote presentations via live video-streaming. Each talk will be followed by an individual comment and subsequent open discussion.

We aim at intensive and critical discussion of themes like metaphor, poetic language, language acquisition etc. from a Wittgensteinian point of view. We would also appreciate papers on Wittgensteinian themes such as seeing-as, experience of meaning, atmosphere of words, secondary meaning, and musicality of language.

We ask prospective participants to submit extended abstracts of no more than 500 words or full draft papers, or both. The time allocated for oral presentation of the contributions is 20 minutes excluding discussion. Please indicate whether you want to attend the workshop in person or deliver a talk remotely.

Contributions should be sent via e-mail to either macha[at] or s.greve[at]

The deadline for submitting contributions is Monday 20th May.

Notifications of (non-)acceptance will be sent out no later than 1st June.

There is no conference fee. The workshop is free and open to all.

Organizers: Sebastian Grève (London), Jakub Mácha (Bergen, Brno)

Supporting material

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