CFP: Issues in Dynamic Decision Theory

Submission deadline: March 12, 2023

Conference date(s):
July 6, 2023 - July 8, 2023

Go to the conference's page

Conference Venue:

Department of Philosophy, University of Konstanz
Konstanz, Germany

Topic areas


Call for Papers


for the Workshop on Issues in Dynamic Decision Theory

organized by the Reinhart-Koselleck project “Reflexive Decision and Game Theory” of Wolfgang Spohn at the University of Konstanz

Time: July 6 – 8, 2023

Place: Bischofsvilla, University of Konstanz

Please find below the description of the workshop and a list of confirmed participants below. See also the project’s website:

There are up to 5 further slots of 30 minutes (20 minutes talk, 10 minutes discussion) for short presentations. Everyone interested in presenting is invited to apply for participation.

For application, please submit an abstract of your talk of at most 1000 words (2 pages) and a CV till March 12, 2023. Decisions on the submissions will be made within four weeks. Those selected will be invited to participate, including a coverage of travel and accommodation costs in case they are not supported by their institutions.

Please send your application both to: [email protected] and [email protected]

Abstract: Dynamic choice has become an important topic within the theory of rational choice (decision theory). But it has two different facets. The topic originated in economics from the problem of (endogenous) preference change. Dynamic consistency was then considered to be a crucial desideratum, leading to theories of sophisticated choice satisfying this desideratum. Since McClennen’s important book in 1990, a different rich discussion has evolved in which dynamic consistency is rather used as a test criterion for various decision rules in a dynamic setting. The former motivation was no longer in the center. Hence, the aim of the workshop is to bring together these two strands of the discussion and to promote an exchange between them.

The workshop will be organized by the Reinhart-Koselleck project “Reflexive Decision and Game Theory” of Wolfgang Spohn at the University of Konstanz. Its decision-theoretic part is particularly concerned with dynamic choice. This is hence the topic of the first workshop of this project. Therefore, a further aim of the workshop is to introduce the so-called reflexive perspective which is pursued within the project.

Confirmed Participants:

Wolfgang Spohn, University of Konstanz (Main Organizer)

Mantas Radzvilas, University of Konstanz

Gerard Rothfus, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

Irem Portakal, University of Munich

Arif Ahmed, University of Cambridge

Richard Bradley, London School of Economics

Till Grüne-Yanoff, University of Stockholm

Johan E. Gustafsson, University of York

Peter Hammond, University of Warwick 

Conrad Heilmann, University of Rotterdam

Brian Hill, HEC Paris

Laurie A. Paul, University of Yale

Richard Pettigrew, University of Bristol

Wlodek Rabinowicz, University of Lund

Orri Stefánsson, University of Stockholm

Reuben Stern, Duke University

Johanna Thoma, London School of Economics, University of Bayreuth

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