CFP: Philosophers’ Rally 2014: Selves & Persons

Submission deadline: February 1, 2014

Conference date(s):
April 24, 2014 - April 25, 2014

Go to the conference's page

Conference Venue:

Radboud University Nijmegen
Nijmegen, Netherlands

Topic areas


On April 24th and 25th, the Radboud University Nijmegen will host the 2014
edition of the annual Dutch Philosophers’ Rally:  a two-day conference
organized by students under the banner of the Dutch Association for
Philosophy Students. The Philosophers’ Rally aims to offer talented students
of all levels (Bachelor to PhD) an opportunity to present their own research
and to become acquainted with the work of their peers. The Rally aims to be
an inspiring platform where both young as well as very experienced
philosophers can meet and exchange ideas.

The theme for this edition of the Philosophers’ Rally will be ‘Selves &

The philosophical question ‘Who are we?’ is one that turns up in many
debates and contexts. Only each time it surfaces the meaning of ‘we’ can
differ. It can be ‘we’ as humans, as organisms, as citizens, as men or
women, and countless other things. This shows that this question is one that
transgresses different philosophical genres and ages. What they have in
common is the quest for identity, the aim to know what it is to be a self or
a person, regardless of what that may mean.

Thus, for the Philosophers’ Rally 2014 – held this year at Radboud
University Nijmegen – we will be searching for answers to that question:
what does it mean to be a self or person? And hopefully, that question will
be answered from all possible philosophical angles, containing many
different notions ofselves and persons.

We invite abstracts (max. 300 words) for papers to be presented (20 minutes)
during parallel sessions. Abstracts due: February 1st, 2014. Send abstracts
as email attachments to [email protected]. Please make sure
your submission is ready to be reviewed blindly (do not include name and
personal information in document).

We have a modest budget available to support foreign students in their
(travelling) expenses. Please notify us if you anticipate requiring
compensation. Students presenting their paper will be granted free
admittance on the day of their presentation, and will be able to purchase a
ticket for the other day at a reduction of 50%. Tickets will go on sale on
January 1st. For more information regarding ticket prices and sale, have a
look at the relevant page on our website After
the submission deadline, you will receive feedback regarding your abstract
within two weeks, as well as further information regarding the conference,
accommodation etc. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to
contact us.

Supporting material

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