Buffalo Annual Experimental Philosophy Conference 2014

September 19, 2014 - September 20, 2014
University at Buffalo

United States

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Jennifer Nagel
University of Toronto

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Conference dates: Fri., Sept. 19 - Sat., Sept. 20, 2014  

Conference Venue: The conference will be held on the fifth floor of the Clinical and Translational Research Center (CTRC) at the south campus of the University at Buffalo, SUNY. http://www.buffaloctrc.org/  

Keynote Speakers: Jennifer Nagel (University of Toronto) and John Turri (University of Waterloo)

Lodging: The nearest hotel is the Double Tree (716-845-0112 or 800-222-8733)

Registration: $25 for faculty, free for graduate students

Organizers: Jake Monaghan, Neil Otte, and James Beebe (Experimental Epistemology Research Group, University at Buffalo). The event is sponsored by the Peter Hare Memorial Fund and the Dept. of Philosophy at the University at Buffalo (SUNY).

Inquiries: [email protected]

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