CFP: 25 Years after 'Morals by Agreement

Submission deadline: February 15, 2015

Topic areas


RMM announces the launch of a new "special topic" in Vol 6, 2015:

25 Years after 'Morals by Agreement'

RMM announces  a special topic collection of papers on David Gauthier’s seminal book. This special topic will be edited by Susan Dimock (York University,) Mohamad Al-Hakim (Florida Gulf Coast University) and Garrett MacSweeney (York University).   The editors would like to invite submissions to this special topic. The aim of the collection is to bring together current work on themes engaging with, and drawing upon, David Gauthier’s work on rational-choice contractarianism. High-quality academic papers engaging with rational-choice theory, distributive justice and economic theory, and political theory are welcome.  The focus of the submitted articles should not be on ‘Morals by Agreement’ in and of itself but instead an expansion on, and engagement with, themes from ‘Morals by Agreement’ in relation to current and emerging themes in moral, political and economic theory.  We seek submissions that are focused on the special topic theme and rationality/markets/morals more broadly.   Deadline for submissions: February 15th, 2015     For full submission details, including paper dimensions (e.g. length, format, etc.) as well as submitting information, please see ‘How to Submit’ on RMM's website (   

Special topics are analogous to special issues of print journals but are organized differently in order to make use of the flexibility of an online journal.

The contributions to special topics appear like any other paper in the current volume of RMM. While the editors of a special topic determine a logical sequence for the papers, RMM publishes the papers as they become ready for publication. In order to see all the contributions to a special topic in their logical sequence, readers can switch  to the relevant special topic page.

In principle, a special topic is an open-ended project. RMM's editors and the guest editors may decide to add further papers anytime. Moreover, all comments on papers of a special topic become part of the special topic. Since RMM publishes papers in the order they become ready for publication, the first papers to appear may be papers in the middle or at the end of the logical sequence chosen by the guest editors. The other papers will be listed with author and title and marked as "coming soon". 

Rationality, Markets and Morals (RMM) is an open access journal at the intersection of philosophy and economics. It addresses topics such as:

  • Foundational issues in decision theory, game theory and social choice theory
  • The ethics of the market
  • Problems in business ethics
  • The methodology of economics
  • Philosophy of science and the foundations of statistics
  • Political economy and the foundation of social and political institutions
  • Philosophical aspects and applications of behavioral economics
  • Economic approaches to classical philosophical problems such as in ethics or social epistemology
  • The theory of instrumental rationality and its limits
General submissions within this range are welcome. They should be prepared for blind reviewing and sent to [email protected] RMM also encourages its readers to submit critical comments on articles published in RMM.

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