CFP: Relativity in Ancient and Contemporary Philosophy

Submission deadline: January 31, 2016

Conference date(s):
April 21, 2016 - April 22, 2016

Go to the conference's page

Conference Venue:

Department of Classics and Ancient History, Durham University
Durham, United Kingdom

Topic areas



Relations and Relativity in Ancient and Contemporary Philosophy

21st and 22nd April 2016

Department of Classics and Ancient History

University of Durham , UK

Relations were at the heart of many philosophical views: Protagorean relativism, the Platonic arguments for the Forms, self-knowledge and divisions in the soul; Academic and Aristotelian category schemes; Stoic genera and Pyrrhonian scepticism to name only a few. However, little scholarly work has clarified the role or conception of relations in such positions. How do philosophers think that one thing relates to another? Precisely how do views about relations impact on metaphysics, epistemology, psychology, ethics and political thought?

The organisers invite paper proposals that address relations and relativity in ancient philosophy, widely construed. We are also interested in systematic papers which may address, for example, the metaphysics, epistemology and semantics of relations, but which do not have an explicitly historical dimension.  

Please submit abstracts of up to 500 words (prepared for blind review) to:

[email protected]

Deadline for Abstracts: 31st January, 2016.

Some financial support is available to support presentations by scholars without access to other funds. The conference is kindly supported by the British Academy.

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