Funding to present at academic conferences and other related research opportunities

June 1, 2016 - June 3, 2016
Institute for Humane Studies

United States

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Is there a vital conference coming up where you’d like to present your latest research, but your budget is too tight to attend? This is just the reason theConference & Research Grantfrom theInstitute for Humane Studies was invented.

This grant awards graduate students (and untenured junior faculty) up to $750 to cover all kinds of academically-related expenses, including travel costs, conference fees, and other career and academic related expenses like:

  • Costs related to academic job interviews

  • Expenses associated with trips to archives to collect additional data points on research

  • Submission of unpublished manuscripts to journals or book publishers

Applications for the IHS Conference and Research Grant are considered on a rolling basis and must be submitted at least four weeks in advance of your funding eligable activity.

The Conference & Research Grant is just one of the scores of resources at IHS to help unleash your unique potential as scholar whose research can make for a more just and thriving world.

For more information and to apply, visit the IHS Conference and Research Grant webpage:

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