CFP: Society for the Study of Ethics and Animals

Submission deadline: August 31, 2016

Conference date(s):
April 12, 2017 - April 15, 2017

Go to the conference's page

Conference Venue:

American Philosophical Association – Pacific Division
Seattle, United States

Topic areas


Call for Abstracts: Effective Animal Advocacy

Effective animal advocacy is a growing part of the wider animal advocacy movement. It seeks to use insights from philosophy, psychology, economics, and related disciplines to identify the best means to improve the lives of animals. Effective animal advocates tend to think carefully about the different kinds of impacts caused by lifestyle decisions, giving habits, educational campaigns, corporate outreach, legal advocacy, and protests.

The Society for the Study of Ethics and Animals invites 500-word abstracts that explore topics relevant to effective animal advocacy. These abstracts will be considered for inclusion at a group session at the 2017 Pacific APA in Seattle, WA. Please email abstracts along with a CV to [email protected] by August 31, 2016. Abstracts and CVs should be in PDF form and emails should have the subject “SSEA 2017”.

We welcome abstracts from researchers, faculty, graduate students, and those working in NGOs on behalf of animals. Participants should keep in mind that the audience of this session will primarily be philosophers. 

We are pleased to announce that Jeff Sebo (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) will be our guest speaker at this session.

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