The Epistemology of the Media: New Directions

September 9, 2022 - September 10, 2022
Applied Epistemology Project, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

Chapel Hill
United States

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Claremont College
Jianing Li
University of South Florida
Alice Marwick
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Shannon McGregor
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
York University
Harvard University


Erasmus University Rotterdam
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

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One feature of the recent applied turn in epistemology has been a sudden burst of philosophical work on "fake news." But beyond this, the epistemology of the media remains relatively underexplored within philosophy. This workshop will aim to bring together scholars both from philosophy and from fields such as communications and journalism to identify and explore new questions and problems in this important area, at a time of unique challenges for news production and consumption caused by new media technologies. We also aim to better understand how philosophy can help to inform social scientific work in this area, and vice versa. Topics for exploration might include, but are by no means limited to: 

  • How should we understand the epistemology of testimony in the context of media and social media?
  • Does contemporary media coverage produce too much doubt and skepticism or too little? 
  • How should media outlets cover issues about which there is very widespread public disagreement?
  • What are the responsibilities of news consumers in deciding which media sources to consume (if any at all)?
  • What role should ideals of truth, knowledge and rationality play in a vision of contemporary journalism?

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July 31, 2022, 11:45pm EST

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2 people are attending:

Coastal Carolina University
North Carolina State University

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