CFP: Special issue on environmental philosophy
Submission deadline: November 15, 2022
Topic areas
Call for papers
Institute of Philosophy of the Slovak Academy of Sciences (SAS), v.v.i. in Bratislava together with the Center for Ecology and Ecophilosophy of Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw invite you to submit texts to Studia Philosophiae Christianae devoted to the presentation of environmental philosophy from the perspective of Polish and Slovak researchers.
In the 1970s people discovered that development has its price in the form of environmental destruction. At that time, many scientists began to take an interest in the ecological question and to consider it from the perspective of their own disciplines. Environmental philosophy emerged as an expression of concern for nature. Even though, the problem of environmental destruction has been known for many decades, the problem is still there and needs radical steps to deal with it. The latest IPCC report (2022) has shown very clearly that we head to ecological catastrophe and we need to act immediately if we want to survive, and preserve resources for future generations. In this issue of Studia Philosophia Christianae we would like to focus on current state of environmental thought and present the philosophical and ethical reflection on the ecological crisis. On behalf of the editors, we invite all authors from Poland and Slovakia who would like to present their achievements of environmental philosophy in their country or their original perception of environmental discussion.
Richard Sťahel, Institute of Philosophy SAS, v.v.i. in Bratislava
Dominika Dzwonkowska, Center for Ecology and Ecophilosophy of Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw
Information for authors:
Journal information: Studia Philosophiae Christianae (SPCh) is a reputable Polish journal, published since 1965. SPCh provide content of issues, including full texts, on the website. More information about the journal could be found at:
Deadline: texts should be sent by November 15th, 2022 to: [email protected]
In case of questions do not hesitate to write to: [email protected]
Preparation and submission of the text to the Editors Office
- Texts should be submitted by e-mail ([email protected]), in Word (* .doc, * .docx) before November 15th, 2022
- Texts submitted for publication should have the following general structure: title - abstract - keywords - main text divided into an introductory part, titled and numbered main parts, a closing part - bibliography.
- Text formatting: main text font size: 12 pt. / font size in footnotes: 11 pt. / line spacing: 1.5 lines / margins: 2.5 cm.
- Distinctions in the text should be avoided (bold, underline, extended print, etc.), except for italics used in the case of quoted titles and foreign terms and expressions.
- Quotes in the text should be written in straight type, in quotation marks, internal quotations (quotation in the quote) - in »German« quotation marks.
- When using special characters (e.g. logical symbols, mathematical symbols, Greek alphabet), a file with the appropriate font should be attached.
- The first page of the text should be started with the name and surname of the Author, on the next line - affiliation (employing unit), then (after an appropriate space) - the title of the text. Please provide additional information about the Author (ORCID, address, telephone number, e-mail) in the body of the e-mail or in a separate attachment.
- The text should be accompanied by the abstract in English, as well as a list of 3-8 keywords. The style of the summary should be impersonal.
- An article abstract should concisely present: (1) the addressed problem, (2) the purpose of the study, (3) its findings, and (4) conclusions. The abstract should contain 150-200 words.
- Bibliographic citations and the final bibliography should be prepared according to the formula provided in the Citation method tab: Citation form
- The size of the text should not exceed 40.000 characters (including footnotes and spaces). In exceptional cases, it is possible to increase the volume of the text after consultation with the Editorial Board.
- Possible diagrams and drawings should constitute one whole (as "grouped drawing" or "frame") to avoid their distortion while formatting the text for printing.
- If you do not receive the confirmation of receipt of the text from the Editorial Office within 7 days, please contact us again by e-mail.
- Submitting the material to the Editorial Office is tantamount to the author's declaration of the originality of the text, not publishing it earlier and not submitting it for publication in another editorial office, and that it will not be submitted anywhere at the time when it is reviewed for SPCh.
- Information on entities should be disclosed in an appropriate manner in the materials provided. which contributed to the publication (substantive input, possible sources of financing, etc.).