Landauer's Principle

July 11, 2022
Department of Philosophy, University of Bristol (UK)

3.21 Physics Department
Physics Department, University of Bristol. 
Bristol BS8 1TH
United Kingdom

This will be an accessible event, including organized related activities


  • Leverhulme Trust
  • FraMEPhys Project (ERC)


University of Minnesota
University of Bristol
Hebrew University of Jerusalem
University of Bristol


University of Birmingham

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Landauer’s principle claims that there is a thermodynamic cost to resetting, or erasing, information. This forges a connection between logical and thermodynamic irreversibility that some say gives rise to a new field – ‘the thermodynamics of computation’ – and that others denounce as heresy. This workshop brings together physicists and philosophers to see what new light can be shed on Landauer’s principle. 

Who? All welcome, but please email [email protected] to confirm your attendance for catering purposes. 


9.30-10.00 Katie Robertson (University of Birmingham) – Welcome + Introduction

10.00-11.15 Orly Shenker (Hebrew University of Jerusalem) – “Landauer’s Principle: What exactly does it say?”

11.15 Coffee

11.30-12.45 Wayne Myrvold (University of Western Ontario) – “Shakin’ all over: proving Landauer’s Principle without neglect of fluctuations.”

12.45-2.15 Lunch 

2.15-3.30 Tony Short – “Landauer’s principle in quantum thermodynamics.”

3.30-3.45 Coffee

3.45-5.00 Sam Fletcher (University of Minnesota)- “Reversible computation undermines and vindicates Landauer’s Principle.”

5.00 – James Ladyman (University of Bristol) – Closing comments 

7.30pm Dinner 

Thank you to the Leverhulme Trust and European Research Council, who have funded this workshop through an Early Career Grant, and the project A Framework for Metaphysical Explanation in Physics (FraMEPhys), which received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement no. 757295)

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July 11, 2022, 9:30am BST

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