300 years of Christian Wolff's German Logic: sources, significance, reception

November 21, 2013 - November 22, 2013
Centre for Metaphysics and Philosophy of Culture, KU Leuven, KU Leuven

Kardinalmercierplein 2

View the Call For Papers


Stefanie Buchenau
Université Paris 8
Mc Quillan Colin
St Mary's
Matteo Favaretti
Università Ca Foscari de Venezia
de Felice Federica
Università degli Studi di Chieti "G.D'ANNUNZIO"
University of Münster
Christian Leduc
University of Montreal
Brandon Look
University of Kentucky
Clemens Schwaiger
Heßbrüggen Stefan
Robert Theis
University of Luxembourg


Timmermans Benoît
Université Libre de Bruxelles
Arnaud Pelletier
KU Leuven
Eric Schliesser
University of Ghent
Karin de Boer
KU Leuven

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Thursday, November 21
    9:00-9:10  Welcome
    9:10-10:10  Stefan Heßbrüggen (Moscow): "Wolff's definition of philosophy and its relation to Early Modern German meta-philosophy"
    10:10-11:10  Brandon Look (Kentucky): "On concept and object in Leibniz, Wolff and Kant"
    11:30-12:30  Arnaud Pelletier (ULB): "On the origin of concepts: the senses and the understanding in Wolff’s German Logic"
    14:00-15:00  Federica de Felice (G. D’Annunzio Chieti): "The role of experience in the German Logic"
    15:00-16:00  Christian Leduc (Montréal): "Opinion and hypothesis in Wolff"
    16:30-17:30  Matteo Favaretti (Ca Foscari Venezia): "Wolff on error"
Friday, November 22
    9:15-10:15  Stefanie Buchenau (Paris Saint Denis): "Wolff on invention"
    10:15-11:15  Robert Theis (Luxembourg): "Kontroverse über Wolffs Deutsche Logik bei Jacob Friedrich Müller"
    11:45-12:45  John Hymers (La Salle): "Against logomachia: Chapter fourteen of the German Logic and Alexander Baumgarten’s use of apogogic demonstration"
    14:00-15:00  Clemens Schwaiger (Benediktbeuern): "Die Rezeption von Wolffs 'Deutscher Logik' bei Alexander Gottlieb Baumgarten"
    15:00-16:00   Colin McQuillan (St Mary’s): "Wolff’s Logic, Kant’s Critique, and the Foundations of Metaphysics"

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