We Need to Talk about Juries

August 9, 2022
Department of Philosophy, University of Glasgow

Glasgow G12 8LP
United Kingdom


Durham University
London School of Economics
University of Glasgow


University of Glasgow

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Interdisciplinary workshop on issues surrounding the jury.

Location: Reid Room, University of Glasgow Philosophy Department and on Zoom.

No registration fee, but please email if you plan on attending ([email protected]). For attendees via Zoom, link will be distributed after registration.  

10:00-11:00 Katherine Puddifoot (Durham), ‘Credibility Deficits, Memory Errors and the Criminal Trial’.

11:10- 12:10: Fiona Leverick (Glasgow), ‘What can mock jury research tell us about jury decision making? Key findings from the Scottish Jury Research’

12:10-13:10: LUNCH

13:10-14:10: Lewis Ross (LSE), ‘TBA’

14:20-15:20: Lottie Herriott (Anglia Ruskin), “Maybe there was mixed messages:” Rape Myth Endorsement and Victim Blame amongst 21st Century Jurors.

15:20-16:00: BREAK

16:00-17:00. Joe Slater (Glasgow), ‘Prospects and Problems for Restricted Jury Abolition’

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