Workshop on Fanon and Phenomenology

March 31, 2023
Philosophy Department, University of Memphis

United States

This will be an accessible event, including organized related activities

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  • Southern Journal of Philosophy


McGill University
University of Connecticut


University of Memphis

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The Southern Journal of Philosophy proudly presents: 

The 2023 “Workshop Issue” 

An annual conference and published proceedings 

The Southern Journal of Philosophy, in conjunction with The University of Memphis and Wiley Publishing, announces the fourth annual workshop aimed at bringing cutting edge thinking to both classical and contemporary topics, with an eye to encouraging bold new directions in philosophical thought. These workshops combine keynotes and plenary lectures by leading scholars together with competitively selected work. Additionally, 2-4 graduate students are selected in a parallel competition to deliver lighting round talks during the workshop. The main proceedings are published in the lead issue of the subsequent volume of the journal. 

The theme of 2019 Workshop was “The Epistemology of Justice” featuring Elizabeth Anderson and Chris Lebron. (2020 interrupted). The 2021 Workshop was “The Ethics of Big Data” featuring Michael Lynch, Josh Fairfield, and David Gunkel. The 2022 Workshop was on the theme of “Early Modern Social Justice,” featuring Susan James and Sam Fleischacker.

The 2023 Workshop will take place on March 31st, with participants spending at least one day and two nights in Memphis (room costs covered). Since, as a workshop, the function of this meeting is a sustained discussion amongst all participants, the expectation is that participants will arrive Thursday evening (March 30th), and depart on Saturday April 1st. Finally, participants commit to submitting final essays for inclusion in the SJP special issue. 

The 2023 theme is: “Fanon and Phenomenology” Date: March 31st 

Keynote Speakers: Alia Al-Saji and Lewis R. Gordon.

Submission deadline: Nov. 30, 2022. Decisions expected by the end of December 

Instructions for main program: Selection is based on long-form abstracts. Abstracts should include a title and be between 750-1000 words. They must be prepared for anonymous review with an eye to avoiding unnecessary jargon. Bibliographic material may be placed at the end and does not count toward the word count. A separate document with the author’s name, affiliation, contact information, and paper title should be included with every submission. Email both documents (either as doc. or pdf. files) to the Associate Editor of the SJP, Ms. Cathy Wilhelm, at [email protected]. The subject line of this email should read, “2023 SJP Workshop Submission.” 

Instructions for graduate student presentations: Follow the same instructions as above, but change subject line of email to read, “2023 SJP Workshop Graduate Submission.” Master and Doctoral students who are currently enrolled in a philosophy graduate program are welcome to apply. Winners will be given 10 minute slots to present 5-minute lighting presentations and field 5 minutes of Q&A. 

Note 1: Submission indicates your intention to include final versions of papers in the published proceedings; but acceptance does not guarantee publication. Final work must pass external review. Graduate presentations will be considered for publication as part of the “notes and discussion” category of the journal issue (contributions to “notes and discussion” are four to six thousand words long). 

Note 2: The editorial team is not responsible for reviewing abstracts for proper preparation. Submissions which are not properly anonymized or formatted may be rejected without notice. 

Note 3: Additional travel support may become available. Winners will be notified as needed. However, we do not expect to be able to fund additional travel costs of graduate winners beyond room and banquet. 

Direct inquiries to SJP organizer Michael Monahan at [email protected].

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1 person may be attending:

Alpen Adria Universität Klagenfurt & Université de Toulouse Jean Jaurès (Alumnus)

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