Wittgenstein and Philosophy for the 21st Century

September 9, 2022 - September 10, 2022
Centre for Philosophy, Ethics and Religion, Charles University, Prague

Hotel Olšanka
Czech Republic


  • Sekyra Foundation


Central European University
University of Southern Denmark
Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca
University of Vienna
University College London
University of East Anglia
Peking University
New University of Lisbon


Charles University, Prague

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The conference “Wittgenstein and Philosophy for the 21st Century” aims to present and develop the relevance of Ludwig Wittgenstein’s thinking to contemporary thought. A particular focus is on future-oriented topics such as artificial intelligence, intercultural understanding, and modern epistemology. The conference is a sequel to the “Culture and Value after Wittgenstein” conference which took place in Oxford in August 2019 and “Wittgenstein and the Vienna Circle – After 100 Years” which took place in Vienna in June 2021. Organized by the Sekyra Foundation and the Centre for Philosophy, Ethics and Religion (Charles University).


Friday 9 September

8:40 Opening words by Luděk Sekyra & Jakub Mácha

9:00 Dan Hutto, A Positively Relaxed Take on Naturalism                                                          Respondent: Danièle Moyal-Sharrock

10:00 Maria Balaska, Wittgenstein on Heidegger on the Nothing                                             Respondent: Danièle Moyal-Sharrock

11:00 Hanoch Ben-Yami, Wittgenstein on the Imagination                                                        Respondent: Karel Thein

12:00 Martin Gustafsson, Practice and Context                                                                         Respondent: Olli Lagerspetz

15:00 Herbert Hrachovec, There is Method in Stupidity. Wittgenstein’s Recognition of Unculture    Respondent: Radek Schuster

16:00 Nuno Venturinha, Wittgenstein within Contemporary Epistemology                              Respondent: Gilad Nir

17:00 Sebastian Sunday Grève, Modern Socrates                                                                      Respondent: Begoña Ramón Cámara

20:00 Conference dinner

Saturday 10 September

9:00 John Hyman, The Special Question “Why?”                                                                        Respondent: Olli Lagerspetz

10:00 Modesto Gómez Alonzo, How not to Think of Philosophical Explanations: A Wittgensteinian Deconstruction of the Causal Model            Respondent:Begoña Ramón Cámara

11:00 Friedrich Stadler, Wittgenstein and the Vienna Circle – the Vienna Circle and Wittgenstein: New Light on a Complex Relationship            Respondent:Radek Schuster

12:00 Anne-Marie Christensen, Wittgensteinians Tools for a Contextual Ethics                       Respondent: Ondřej Beran

15:00 Oskari Kuusela, Language Games with “Good”: Addressing Problems from Stocker and Williams             Respondent: Franz Schörkhuber

16:00 Sofia Miguens, Wittgensteinian Ethics: Cora Diamond on Rational Capacities and “the Gulfs Between Us”               Respondent: Gilad Nir

17:00 Rupert Read, Wittgenstein as a Philosopher of Freedom                                                 Respondent: Franz Schörkhuber

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