Schizoanalytic Applications

May 10, 2013
Institute for Social Transformation Research, University of Wollongong

Building 1, Rm G02


Su Ballard
University of Wollongong
Ian Buchanan
University of Wollongong
Craig Lundy
University of Wollongong
Daniel W. Smith
Purdue University
Marcelo Svirsky
University of Wollongong

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Time: 11:00-16:00

Workshop Description:

Deleuze and Guattari collaborated for more than a decade to produce a new methodology they called schizoanalysis. Combining elements of psychoanalysis (Freudian, Kleinian, and Lacanian), anti-psychiatry (Laing, Cooper), and Marxism, as well as an enormous range of other material drawn from practically every discipline (from geology, to biology and higher mathematics), schizoanalysis was intended not merely to replace psychoanalysis, but to provide a comprehensive methodology for analysing every aspect of daily life from the most mundane details to the large-scale geopolitical problematics. This workshop, which is intended to be the first in a series, will begin the process of exploring what it means to use schizoanalysis for critical and cultural research. Areas that will be addressed include schizoanalysis and normativity, transversality, schizo-strategy, schizoanalytic history and art.

All Welcome

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May 10, 2013, 10:00am +10:00

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