Hegel / MacIntyre A philosophy conference on reason in history.
Chicago (Online)
United States
- The John U. Nef Committee on Social Thought, University of Chicago
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This conference aims to bring together the work of Alasdair MacIntyre and G. W. F. Hegel. Both philosophers are distinguished by their extensive integration of history, including the history of philosophy, within their own philosophical theorizing. As such, the conference aims to reexamine the relationship between reason and history. More broadly, it seeks to facilitate an engagement between proponents of MacIntyre’s Thomistic neo-Aristotelianism and contemporary readings of Hegel, spanning the divide between so-called ‘metaphysical’ and deflationary interpretations of the latter’s philosophy, as well as that between liberal and radical readings. In doing this, it is hoped that Hegelians may come to a greater appreciation of the affinity between MacIntyre’s work and contemporary actualizations of Hegel’s thought, and that neo-Aristotelians influenced by MacIntyre may come to view Hegel and his interpreters both as rivals and as interlocutors who share many of the same questions and philosophical positions.
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