Prejudicial Speech: What’s A Liberal To Do?
Mari Mikkola (University of Amsterdam)

November 11, 2022, 6:45pm - 8:15pm
The Royal Institute of Philosophy

Foyles, 107 Charing Cross Road
United Kingdom


New Directions in the Philosophy of Language

The 2022/23 Royal Institute of Philosophy London Lecture Series

Early in the twentieth century, philosophy in the English-speaking world took what Richard Rorty later called “The Linguistic Turn” in which language became the central focus of philosophy. In the twenty-first century, the philosophy of language remains strong but has changed considerably. This series examines these new directions, including new questions and methods as well as interest in what other disciplines and world philosophies have to teach us. The speakers are all leading or up-and-coming thinkers representing the full diversity of philosophy in the English-speaking world today. Their talks are aimed as much at the interested generalist as philosophical specialists. All are welcome.

Mari Mikkola (Amsterdam)

Prejudicial Speech: What’s A Liberal To Do?

This talk discusses potential responses to harmful prejudicial speech. More specifically, I consider how different types of prejudicial speech merit divergent responses. I distinguish hate speech, discriminatory speech, and toxic speech as different types of speech that are prejudicial or oppressive – they are not all of the same kind differing only in their severity and explicitness. As these sorts of problematic speech are categorically distinct, I hold they also demand differential remedies. The task of this talk is to consider such remedies, their potential effectiveness, and compatibility with the liberal value of free speech.

Mari Mikkola is a Professor of Philosophy and Chair of Metaphysics at the University of Amsterdam. Her areas of expertise are in feminist philosophy, particularly feminist metaphysics and pornography debates in philosophy. In addition, Mikkola's current work deals with philosophical methodology and conceptions of hate speech. She has published extensively on these topics being the sole author of two books (The Wrong of Injustice: Dehumanization and Its Role in Feminist Philosophy and Pornography: A Philosophical Introduction, both with OUP) and of several articles on feminist philosophy, social ontology, and pornography. Prior to coming to Amsterdam, she has worked at the University of Oxford/ Somerville College, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Lancaster University, and University of Stirling.


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October 28, 2022, 6:00pm BST

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