CFP: Slurring Terms Across Languages (STAL-2023)
Submission deadline: January 25, 2023
Conference date(s):
June 7, 2023 - June 8, 2023
Conference Venue:
Institut Jean Nicod, École Normale Supérieure
Topic areas
Submission Guidelines
We invite submission of abstracts for 30-minute oral presentations (with an additional 20 minutes for questions). Abstracts should be anonymous, the main text should be 2 pages in length, with an optional third page for glossed examples, references, or figures (Note: use a third page for examples only when they are non-English examples and are glossed.) Abstracts are due before January 25, 2023 and should be submitted via Easychair. We expect to notify authors of their acceptance before the end of February.
(NOTE: We are aware that mentioning slurs is a controversial issue. We will not, however, take a stance on this matter, but we'd like to ask submitters to be sensitive to this issue.)
Submission link
All questions about submissions should be emailed both to [email protected] and to [email protected].