Formal Epistemology
Republic of Singapore Yacht Club, 52 W Coast Ferry Rd
Singapore 126887
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What principles of rationality govern credences, beliefs, values, and so on? To what formal rules might those principles conform? And what, more generally, is the connection between formal and non-formal methods in philosophy? These questions, and others like them, have received considerable attention from philosophers in recent decades. The purpose of this conference—which is part of a larger series of conferences in the philosophy department at NUS—is to bring researchers together, to facilitate discussion of these issues in formal epistemology.
Official Discussants
Boris Babic (Toronto), Ben Blumson (NUS), Joseph Cobon (Oxford), J. Dmitri Gallow (ACU), Jie Gao (Zhejiang), Mikayla Kelley (Stanford), Gabrielle Kerbel (Michigan), Boris Kment (Princeton), Michael Nielsen (Sydney), Abelard Podgorski (NUS), Hsueh Ming Qu (NUS), Neil Sinhababu (NUS), Laura Soter (Duke), and Weng Hong Tang (NUS).
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#Formal Epistemology, #Rationality, #Decision Theory, #Credences, #Beliefs, #Probability