CFP: Death and Illness
Submission deadline: February 15, 2023
Conference date(s):
April 1, 2023
Conference Venue:
Department of Philosophy, University of South Florida
United States
Topic areas
Conference Date: Saturday, April 1st 2023
Submission Deadline: Wednesday, February 15th 2023
Conference Venue: University of South Florida, FAO 248. Tampa, FL.
Topic Areas: Including but not limited by the following perspectives: existentialism, phenomenology, ancient thought, analytic philosophy, eudaimonism, feminism, medicine, care, mental health, Covid-19, and philosophy of science. We welcome interdisciplinary submissions.
Keynote Speaker: TBA
We are pleased to announce the annual University of South Florida Philosophy Graduate Conference will resume in 2023 and will be held in-person on April 1st, 2023.
We invite submissions of papers for presentation at a conference on death and illness. We welcome submissions from graduate students working in all areas of philosophy, as well as from undergraduate students, for whom a parallel session is planned.
Our aim is to generate discussion on the existential and conceptual utility of death and illness as philosophical tools. In particular, we are interested in submissions that explore the philosophical importance of death and/or illness insofar as they can be sources of knowledge and value for us. However, submissions need not be restricted to these points of inquiry.
Kindly send a paper of 3000 words or less, including an abstract of no more than 250 words, as a single document to [email protected]. The paper should be suitable for a 20-minute presentation followed by a 10-minute Q&A discussion session. Please submit this for blind review as an anonymized attachment in .docx or .pdf format and use your paper’s title as the filename.
The subject of the email should be “USF 2023 – [your paper’s title]”.
In the body of your email, please provide the following information: name, institutional affiliation (if any) and status (grad or undergrad), occupation, email, and phone number (optional).
Presenters will be notified of our decision by Wednesday, March 1st 2023.
Limited hosting is available for graduate students.