Research seminar of the Department for Theoretical Philosophy at the University of Bucharest
Splaiul Independenţei 204
Bucharest 060024
This event is available both online and in-person
- Faculty of Philosophy
Talks at this conference
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We're delighted to invite you to the research seminar of the Department of Theoretical Philosophy at the University of Bucharest. In Spring, talks recur as follows on selected Wednesdays between 4-6pm local time for Bucharest, Romania:
Fall 2022:
Nov. 24 (face to face, in Romanian) Andrei Mărăşoiu (University of Bucharest), “Able deniers: how to extract yourself from a conversation before even starting it” [moderated by Gheorghe Ştefanov]
Dec. 8 (face to face, in English) Sandra Brânzaru (University of Bucharest), “What is narrative competence?” [moderated by Gheorghe Ştefanov]
Dec. 15 (online) Gene Mills (Virginia Commonwealth University), “Folk Psychology and Natural Properties”
Jan. 18 (online) Ilmari Hirvonen & Pekka Syrjänen (University of Helsinki), “Just-So Stories Lack Modal Depth”
Spring 2023
Mar 15 (face to face) Andreea Popescu (University of Bucharest, ICUB), "Reference and Institutions"
Mar 29 (face to face) Mihai Ometiță (University of Bucharest, ICUB), "Can Descriptions be Non-Hypothetical? Thought Experiments from Wittgenstein’s Manuscripts"
April 4 (face to face, in Romanian) Andrei Miu (Babes-Bolyai University), "Cum funcționează, de fapt, creierul?"
April 12 (hybrid) Dragoş Bîgu (ASE, The Bucharest University of Economic Studies), “Are A Priori Analogies Deductive?”
May 4 (face to face) Markus Pantsar (University of Helsinki & RWTH Aachen), "Arithmetic and proto-arithmetic: the need for clear conceptual distinctions in research on numerical cognition"
May 10 (face to face) Bogdan Dumitrescu (University of Bucharest), "Eternalism and Libertarian Free Will: Are We Free without an Open Future?"
May 31 (face to face, in Romanian) Constantin Stoenescu (University of Bucharest), "Ce a crezut Darwin că vede în Insulele Galapagos?"
For those of you who would like to join some of the meetings but have overlapping commitments, we will do our best to record the meetings whenever everyone in attendance consents to it, and to then upload the recordings on the Department's YouTube channel. Previous talks are available here:
Stay tuned, as there will be weekly announcements concerning the titles and abstracts of upcoming talks on the Facebook page titled "Seminarul Departamentului de Filosofie Teoretica UniBuc".
June 30, 2023, 9:00am EET
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