In Celebration of Peter Lamarque

July 5, 2023 - July 6, 2023
University of York

Room TBC
University of York
United Kingdom

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  • British Society of Aesthetics
  • Department of Philosophy, University of York


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In Celebration of Peter Lamarque

A British Society of Aesthetics - University of York Conference

5-6 July 2023

On 5-6 July 2023 we will celebrate with Professor Peter Lamarque the occasion of his retirement from the University of York and will continue with him the philosophical conversation he has sustained over several decades.  Peter’s work has shaped debates on a wide range of questions, including artistic ontology, the nature of fiction, artistic value, interpretation, criticism, poetry and thought, and architectural conservation. He has published a stream of influential papers, monographs, and edited volumes. Truth, Fiction and Literature, co-authored with Stein Haugom Olsen, is the most substantial work in philosophy of literature of the past several decades. He was awarded the 2018 "Premio Internazionale d'Estetica" from the Italian Society of Aesthetics, and his book Work and Object: Explorations in the Metaphysics of Art (2011) won the Outstanding Monograph Prize from the American Society for Aesthetics. He edited the British Journal of Aesthetics between 1995 and 2008.

We invite submission of abstracts from early-career researchers, for 20-minute talks that draw on and respond to any aspect of Peter’s work; we understand he welcomes highly critical contributions! We especially encourage scholars in groups under-represented in philosophy to submit abstracts. (The Call for Abstracts is now closed.)

Further information about the conference may be obtained from Conference Assistant Angelos Sofocleous (at [email protected]

Invited speakers are Emily Caddick Bourne, Filippo Contesi, David Davies, Julian Dodd, Eileen John, Derek Matravers, Elisabeth Schellekens, Iris Vidmar Jovanović.

Conference Organisers: Gregory Currie and Eileen John

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June 29, 2023, 5:00pm BST

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University of Cagliari
University of York (PhD)

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