Wanting at Will

January 12, 2023, 3:00pm - 5:00pm
Dianoia Institute of Philosophy, Australian Catholic University

Level 4, room 460.4.28
250 Victoria Parade
East Melbourne 3002


This talk defends the view that we (often) exercise direct voluntaristic control over our desires. Somewhat more concretely, I will argue that, in an extremely broad sense of 'valuable', one can rationally prefer A to B even while knowing that A and B are equally valuable, and that one can rationally fail to prefer A to B even while knowing that A is more valuable than B. In these sorts of cases, one's preferences (and thus one's desires) are a matter of one's choosing. I will then explore some consequences of these claims for questions concerning functionalist theories of mind, the rationality of akrasia, and the subject matter of decision theory.

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