CFP: Call For Papers: Arendt Studies, Volume 7

Submission deadline: March 15, 2023

Topic areas


Arendt Studies is a peer-reviewed journal devoted to the study of the life, work and legacy of Hannah Arendt. It publishes original research articles, review essays and book reviews, and welcomes contributions for all relevant areas, including philosophy, politics and international relations, history, Jewish studies, women’s and gender studies, critical philosophy of race, and literary theory. The journal is particularly interested in the philosophical dimensions of Arendt’s work and how they might illuminate pressing issues in philosophy, politics and society today.

Volume 6 now in print!

Volume 6 of Arendt Studies has just come out in print and online, with a special feature on Arendt and Race in America, featuring Tal Correm, Robert P. Crease, Benjamin P. Davis, Marilyn Nissim-Sabat, and Michaeal Weinman. You can get your copy through the PDC, or request your library add it to their collection.

We are now welcoming submissions for Volume 7

In order to appear in Volume 7, articles need to be submitted by March 15, 2023. However, we accept articles throughout the year, so potential contributors can submit anytime, and articles will appear online first, even if they don’t appear in Volume 7.

Volume 7 is scheduled for publication by September 20, 2023

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