CFP: REWE2023 – New Work on Non-Representationalism

Submission deadline: March 15, 2023

Conference date(s):
June 26, 2023 - June 27, 2023

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Conference Venue:

University of Bonn
Bonn, Germany

Topic areas


REWE2023 is a successor to the Rhineland Expressivism Workshop ( held in July 2022. This year we’re inviting paper submissions on the theme “New work on non-representationalism”, interpreted broadly within the areas of expressivism, neopragmatism and inferentialism.

Submissions are welcome from scholars anywhere, though if we have more good offers than we can accommodate, we may give geography some weighting. One of the aims of our project is to encourage collaboration among expressivists, broadly construed, in the Rhineland area, very broadly construed. 

The meeting is timed to give participants visiting the area the option of also attending the 5th Frankfurt Metaethics Conference (FrankMeta.5) on 23–24 June 2023. We are delighted that our Keynote Speaker will be Professor Amie Thomasson (Dartmouth), who is also an invited speaker at FrankMeta.5. 

In addition to Amie Thomasson’s keynote, there will also be a session led by Huw Price (Bonn), based on the forthcoming expanded edition of his book Facts and the Function of Truth (OUP, 2023). All other sessions will be submitted talks. 

To submit a proposal, please send a 500-word abstract by 15 March 2023 to [email protected]. If you wish, also include a statement of no more than 200 words explaining how your research relates to our theme of non-representationalism. Some funding will be available to speakers. If funds permit, we will also consider requests for bursaries for non-speakers who couldn’t otherwise participate.

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