MLAM@10: 10 Years of "Modal Logic as Metaphysics"

September 21, 2023 - September 23, 2023
Department of Philosophy, University of Hamburg

Edmund-Siemers-Allee 1
Hamburg 20146

View the Call For Papers


  • Fritz Thyssen Foundation
  • GAP (German Society for Analytic Philosophy)


Universität Bonn
New York University
University College London
Johns Hopkins University
University of Oxford
University of Salzburg
University of Bergamo
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Universität Konstanz
University of Bergen
Freie Universität Berlin
University of Oxford


University of Bergen

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Conference Description

The conference marks the ten-year anniversary of Timothy Williamson’s Modal Logic as Metaphysics (MLAM), widely regarded as one of the of the last decade’s most important monographs on logic, metaphysics, and their connection. MLAM has initiated and advanced a long list of research projects and debates concerning such diverse topics as

(i) the methodology of logic and metaphysics,

(ii) the structure and nature of modal and temporal reality, and

(iii) the formal language in which logico-metaphysical theorizing should be conducted.

The aims of the conference are

(a) to assess the book’s contribution to these and related areas of research with a (modest) degree of hindsight,

(b) to re-evaluate its main claims both in light of the constructive developments as well as the critical attention they have attracted over the last ten years,

(c) to identify future directions of research by focusing on so far under-appreciated challenges to the book’s central tenets, on strategies to meet these challenges, and on as yet under-investigated applications of the book’s main insights.

Call for Abstracts

Several slots will be made available for contributed papers. We invite interested researchers to submit a blinded abstract of max. 1000 words by email to: [email protected]. The deadline for submission is May 31, 2023.

Notifications of acceptance will be sent out in July 2023. We will cover the accommodation, meals and travel costs (the latter up to €350) of successful applicants.


Attendance is free but registration is required. If you’d like to attend, please register by email: [email protected]. The deadline for registration is August 21, 2023.

For further information see also:

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August 18, 2023, 9:00am CET

Who is attending?

3 people are attending:

University of California, San Diego
Universität Konstanz
and 1 more.

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