CFP: The European Face of Political Epistemology
Submission deadline: May 1, 2023
Conference date(s):
July 10, 2023 - July 14, 2023
Conference Venue:
Center for Advanced Studies - South East Europe, University of Rijeka (Croatia)
Topic areas
The Centre for Advanced Studies Southeast Europe at the University of Rijeka is organising the first edition of its pioneering "The European Face of Political Epistemology" conference. This event is a recurring, annual conference held at the Cres Island's Renaissance Moise Palace, aiming to situate itself as the foremost source of European scholarship on the epistemology and the epistemics of political institutions, polarisation, and democratic processes. Echoing research into the epistemology of democracy, our summer school prioritises it over competing political systems. Each year, the conference – lasting for five working days and featuring four outstanding keynote speakers – brings together established European political epistemologists, epistemologists of democracy, and young researchers at the advent of their professional careers, aiming to discuss the perennial subjects of political legitimacy, multi-partisan polarisation, electoral ignorance and irrationality, democracy's current sustainability, nationalism, international relations, and corruption. The summer school's secondary goal is to proffer an antidote to predominantly American renditions of political epistemology as a discipline, develop a robust European research network, and stimulate a systemic appraisal of specifically European political institutions, trends, and cultures. With keynote speakers and guest lecturers from the United Kingdom, Ireland, and the Western Balkans, The European Face of Political Epistemology conference encompasses dozens of country-specific partisan configurations, surveys diverse forms of corruption, and articulates a cogent notion of multi-partisan polarisation across the political spectrum. The summer school will yield a transnational edited volume.
This year's keynote speakers are:
· Michael Hannon
· Robin McKenna
. Jeroen de Ridder
. Kristoffer Ahlstrom-Vij
The conference will take place at the Moise Palace on Cres Island in Croatia from July 10 to July 14, 2023.
Central questions to be addressed during this year's conference:
How does multi-partisan polarisation operate? Can corruption be combated within existing political configurations and power networks? How to articulate healthy international relations? Is European electoral ignorance better, worse, or comparable to American examples? Is our perception of our political adversaries’ ignorance motivationally slanted? What norms of political deliberation suit polarised parliamentary debates?
Call for Abstracts
Researchers interested in partaking in this year's conference should send 200-word long abstracts of their talks by May 1, 2023, to [email protected] The organisers will inform applicants whether their papers have been accepted by May 20, 2023.
Further Information for Participants
Applicants whose papers are accepted for presentation are expected to supply a 50 EUR participation fee. The organisers will host an introductory conference dinner and provide coffee breaks free of charge. All other services, including travel, accommodation, and catering must be organised by participants. The Centre for Advanced Studies Southeast Europe will issue certificates confirming all guest lecturers’ participation at the conference.
Organisational Board
Hana Samaržija, Ivan Cerovac, Marko Luka Zubčić, Nenad Miščević, Andrea Mešanović