Workshop: Vagueness & Indeterminacy

May 31, 2023
ISFI Lugano, Universitá della Svizzera Italiana

Room A21, Red Building
Lugano 6900

This event is available both online and in-person


  • The SNF funded project, Quantum Indeterminacy
  • The SNF funded project, The Metaphysics of Quantum Objects


New York University
Universidade de Lisboa
Columbia University


University of Venice

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There is no doubt that indeterminacy and vagueness are ubiquitous in the way we represent the world. It is however highly debated whether the world itself could be the source of any indeterminacy. Discussions about what is known as ontological or metaphysical indeterminacy have become more and more popular among metaphysicians and philosophers of science in recent years. This workshop aims at bringing together some of the most influential figures in the contemporary debate on vagueness and indeterminacy to discuss novel approaches and evaluate the prospects of future discussions on this topic.

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