CFP: Wittgenstein and Hegel on the Foundations of Logic

Submission deadline: June 30, 2023

Conference date(s):
September 11, 2023 - September 13, 2023

Go to the conference's page

Conference Venue:

University of Vienna
Vienna, Austria

Topic areas


The workshop "Wittgenstein and Hegel on the Foundations of Logic" invites submissions of abstracts for presentations exploring the intersection of the thought of Wittgenstein and Hegel concerning logic and its foundations.  

The conference will take place at the University of Vienna on 11-13 September 2023.  

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

● The role of language and meaning in logic

● The relationship between logical form and content

● The nature of logical rules and principles

● The nature of logical truth and necessity

● The implications of Wittgenstein's and Hegel's views for logic

● The sources of Wittgenstein's and Hegel's conceptions of logic

● The relationship between logic and the world

● The relationship between logic and metaphysics  

Abstracts should be no more than 300 words and should clearly state the focus and argument of the proposed paper. They should also indicate how the topic relates to Hegel and/or Wittgenstein.  

Submissions should be sent by email to the conference organisers at  [email protected]  

The deadline for submissions is June 30, 2023.

Notification of acceptance will be sent by July 15, 2023.  


Alexander Berg, University of Zurich

Denis Kaidalov, Charles University

Daniel Kuran, University of Vienna

Jakub Mácha, Masaryk University

Bruna Picas, University of Barcelona

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