CFP: On "Context and Coherence" (Stojnić, 2021)

Submission deadline: December 31, 2023

Topic areas



On Context and Coherence

Guest editor:

Maria Matuszkiewicz (University of Warsaw)


Studia Semiotyczne

Deadline for submissions:

the 31st of December 2023


The special issue of Studia Semiotyczne is meant to collect papers offering a development and critical discussion of the ideas presented in Una Stojnić’s Context and Coherence: The Logic and Grammar of Prominence (Oxford University Press, 2021). Papers should be written in English and prepared for blind review.

Una Stojnić’ Context and Coherence (2021) offers a novel account of the interaction between context and content, which applies not only to demonstratives and modals (the book’s main focus) but to all context-sensitive expressions. Drawing on linguistic studies of linguistic conventions (such as discourse coherence relations, prosody, and others), Stojnić argues that the meaning of context-sensitive expressions is determined by grammar, contrary to a standard view. The linguistic account of context developed in the book resolves puzzles that motivate relativist semantics, thus questioning the rationale for postulating non-propositional contents. We invite submissions on various topics in dialogue with the views developed in Context and Coherence.

Possible topics include, but are not limited to:

Demonstrative reference

Interaction between context and content

Semantics of modality

Contextualism/relativism debate

Context-sensitivity in language

Non-propositional contents

Intentionalism/conventionalism debate about demonstratives

Dynamic Semantics

Discourse Coherence

Variety of encoded linguistic meanings

Logic of demonstratives

In order to submit the paper, one is kindly asked to submit the manuscript by sending it to:

[email protected] and [email protected]

All submitted papers will be double-blind peer-reviewed.

Guidelines regarding submissions

About the journal:

Studia Semiotyczne (Semiotic Studies) is a journal founded in 1970 by Jerzy Pelc, its editor-in-chief until 2015. Between 1970 and 2015, Studia Semiotyczne was published non-periodically (during that period, 29 volumes were published). In December 2015, Studia Semiotyczne was transformed into a six-monthly print and Internet publication. Papers accepted for publication in the journal revolve around various aspects of semiotics (conceived in the Morris-Carnap sense) and philosophy. Papers submitted as articles are subject to a double-blind peer review. Studia Semiotyczne is an open-access journal published by The Polish Semiotic Society (Polskie Towarzystwo Semiotyczne).

The journal is present in AcademicaBazHumCEEOLCEJSHDOAJ, EBSCO Discovery Service, ERIHPlusIndex CopernicusLibrary of Science, Philosopher’s Index, PhilPapersPolonaScopus and Web of Science. The journal is also ranked by the following national agencies for scholarly evaluation:

- ANVUR (Italy): both as a scientific journal and as an A-Class (area 11),

- MEiN (Poland).

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