New Work on Paradoxes

April 28, 2023

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University of Manchester (PhD)
University of Bucharest
University of Bucharest
New York University
University of Texas at Austin
University of Bucharest
Politehnica University of Bucharest


University of Bucharest

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The "New work on paradoxes" online conference is organized in partnership between the Faculty of Philosophy at the University of Bucharest (through its Department for Theoretical Philosophy) and the Center for Logic, Philosophy and History of Science (CELFIS).

Here is the programme of the event: 

9.00 Ioannis Polychronopoulos (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens & American College of Greece) A New Strategy for Pascal’s Mugger

9.45 Ibrahim Dagher (University of California at Davis) Linking the Grim Reaper and Grandfather Paradoxes

10.30 Maria Gațe (University of Bucharest) Lies versus falsehoods: An augustinian perspective on lying and Pinocchio's Paradox

11.15 Paula Tomi (Polytechnic University Bucharest) Is Pinocchio’s Paradox Non-Semantic?

12.00 Constantin Stoenescu (University of Bucharest) The puzzle of identity mistakes in Plato's 'Theaetetus'


14.15 Giorgio Lenta (Genoa University) The Hyperintensional Kaplan’s Paradox

15.00 Kevin Davey (University of Chicago) Can paradoxical sentences be assumed?

15.45 William Nava (New York University) Non-classicality all the way up

16.30 keynote Mircea Dumitru (University of Bucharest & Romanian Academy) New Perspectives on Frege’s Puzzle & Russell’s Antinomy of the Variables. Kit Fine’s Semantic Relationist Approach to the Compositionality of Meaning

17.30 keynote James Cargile (University of Virginia) Note on Epimenides

18.30 keynote Mark Sainsbury (University of Texas at Austin) Paradoxes of vagueness

19.30 William Bondi Knowles (Sheffield University) Does Ungroundedness imply Meaninglessness?

(All times are local for Bucharest, Romania.)

Registering and other details

For any questions, please don't hesitate to email [email protected] You may register at the same address (or by RSVP here on PhilEvents) on or before April 26th in order to receive the Zoom connection details.

The conference is organized with the support of students in the “Mind the Brain” master’s programme in cognitive science within the Department for Theoretical Philosophy at the University of Bucharest. More details about the programme are available here:

The event is also organized with the support of students undertaking their curricular practical training with CELFIS. More about the center’s activity is available here: Recordings of past events are also available on the Department for Theoretical Philosophy at UB’s YouTube channel:

In the aftermath of the conference, we would enjoy jointly exploring the possibility of publishing its proceedings. More details will be forthcoming at the time.

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April 26, 2023, 11:45pm EET

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