Time Symmetry: A Unified Approach

August 29, 2013 - September 1, 2013
Centre for Time, University of Sydney

Room N494 | Quadrangle A14
University of Sydney
Sydney 2006


  • School of Philosophical and Historical Inquiry at the University of Sydney


Craig Callender
University of California, San Diego
Phil Dowe
University of Queensland
Antony Eagle
University of Adelaide
Peter Evans
La Trobe University
Alison Fernandes
Columbia University
Toby Handfield
Monash University


Samuel Baron
University of Sydney
Matt Farr
University of Sydney

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The underlying laws of physics are largely symmetric in time, and yet time-asymmetric concepts are pervasive throughout different areas of philosophical study. For instance, causes are believed to precede their effects in time and not vice versa, our knowledge of the past differs in form from our knowledge of the future, we believe we can influence the future but not the past, we dread or look forward to future events but not past events, etc. This conference looks at time symmetries and asymmetries in physics, causation, probability and agency, and their commonalities.

The conference is hosted by the Centre for Time, University of Sydney, and is sponsored by the School of Philosophical and Historical Inquiry, University of Sydney.

Register for attendance at http://newagendasstudyoftime.wordpress.com/events/time-symmetry.

For further information, please contact Matt Farr ([email protected]) or Sam Baron ([email protected]).

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August 28, 2013, 4:00am +10:00

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