November 2, 2023 - November 3, 2023
University Mohammed V Rabat, Morocco


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What relationships can be observed and analyzed between the judicial apparatus in its social dimension and the media apparatus in its complexity? What forms of regulation are being established in the public space in the countries of the North and the South? What is the role of judicial training in the control of certain abuses? What are the media impacts to keep the public space of freedom in balance?


We propose the following issues to discuss (non-exhaustive list):  

- Judicial mediation between the duty of reserve and freedom of information

- Public opinion, judicial temporality and media temporality

- ICT and digital reforms of justice

- Power of social networks, judicial procedures and ethics

- Judicial power and current issues (family, immigration, etc.)

- Media object of justice: law and liberties

- Justice - relocated in the media and media object

- Human rights, freedom of conscience and religion through the prism of justice and the media, etc.

Important dates

- 5 May 2023: submission of abstracts (3000 characters including spaces) with an indicative bibliography. Languages accepted: French, English and Arabic. Abstracts in Arabic must be accompanied by a translation into French or English.

NOTE: Participants who wish to make only an oral communication are invited to send their proposal by this date.

- 25 May 2023: notification of acceptance of the abstract and oral presentation

- 15 September 2023: submission of full papers (6000-7000 words including bibliography; instructions will be sent to authors whose abstracts and papers have been accepted)

- 25 October 2023: notification of the results of the evaluation of the full paper by email

Proposals and additional questions should be sent simultaneously to

[email protected][email protected]

Authors whose proposals have been accepted will be notified by email.

All proposals will be subject to a double-blind evaluation by the scientific committee of the conference and the expert committee of the Essachess - Journal for Communication Studies.

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