Kant's Theory of Imagination: A Workshop

May 5, 2023 - May 6, 2023
Department of Philosophy, Harvard University

Barker Center, Room 110
Harvard University, Barker Center
Cambridge 02138
United States

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This workshop is devoted to exploring Kant’s theory of imagination from theoretical, aesthetic, and practical perspectives. The program will include papers, comments on papers, and a wrap-up panel. Paper presenters include Stefanie Grüne (Freie Universität, Berlin), Thomas Land (University of Victoria), Samantha Matherne (Harvard), Janum Sethi (University of Michigan), Andrew Stephenson (University of Southampton), Jessica Williams (University of South Florida), and Angela Breitenbach (Cambridge). Commentators include Lucy Allais (University of Witwatersrand, Johns Hopkins University), Yoon Choi (Marquette University), Alix Cohen (University of Edinburgh), Katharina Kraus (University of Notre Dame), Colin Marshall (University of Washington), Thomas Pendlebury (University of Pittsburgh), and Eric Watkins (University of California, San Diego). The wrap-up panel includes Mavis Biss (Loyola University), Alexandra Newton (University of California, Riverside), and Reed Winegar (Fordham). 

All are welcome to attend who are not on the program. For questions or more information, please contact Samantha Matherne ([email protected]).

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