CFP: Do you bring video clips into teaching philosophy? Tell us how!

Submission deadline: April 15, 2023


The Blog of the American Philosophical Association’s Teaching and Learning Video Series is putting forward a call for submissions for teaching philosophy through videos. These can be ads, shorts, clips from movies and TV, or stand up comedy to name a few. The series focuses on the use of humorous videos but this is not required. Accepted submissions will be published on the Blog of the American Philosophical Association.

The Teaching and Learning Video Series has previously published submissions by Full, Associate, and Assistant Professors at:

  • University of Mississippi
  • Florida International University
  • Florida Gulf Coast University
  • University of Arkansas (Little Rock)
  • University of Minnesota (Twin Cities)
  • Southern Methodist University
  • San Diego State University

We have also published work by Postdoctoral Fellows at:

  • Harvard University
  • University of Nevada
  • Ohio State University
  • Durham University

You can find previous published posts for the series here:


  • Deadline: April 15th, 2023.

  • Length: 400 - 1500 words. 

  • Each post requires (1) a few sentences introducing the video and its relevance to philosophy, (2) a link to the video, and (3) a longer description of how you incorporated the video into your philosophy course. 

  • Submit to [email protected]

You can find an Index of previous published posts below.

All submissions and questions are to be emailed to the Series Editor, William A. B. Parkhurst, at [email protected].

Supporting material

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