An Examination of Ian Proops’s The Fiery Test of Critique (OUP)

April 22, 2023
Department of Philosophy, Princeton University

201 Laura Wooten Hall, Princeton University
Princeton 08544
United States

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On Saturday April 22nd, Kant’s 299th birthday, we meet to discuss Ian Proops’s book, The Fiery Test of Critique (OUP). Commentators: Béatrice Longuenesse, Patricia Kitcher, Anja Jauernig, Allen Wood, Des Hogan. Moderators: Haley Brennan, Ian McKeachie, Martin Lin. Location: 201 Laura Wooten Hall, Princeton University, from 10am. Hybrid format: contact [email protected] for zoom link.


Each session includes a response by Ian Proops

10-11:10 Béatrice Longuenesse

11:10-11:20 Coffee break     

11:20-12:30 Patricia Kitcher 

12:30–1:30 Lunch     

1:30-2:40 Allen Wood     

2:40-2:50 Coffee break     

2:50-4:00 Des Hogan  

4:00-4:15 Coffee Break

4:15-5:25pm Anja Jauernig

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