CFP: Latter-day Saint Philosophy Workshop

Submission deadline: September 15, 2023

Conference date(s):
September 15, 2023 - September 16, 2023

Go to the conference's page

Conference Venue:

Department of Philosophy, Brigham Young University
Provo, United States


The Latter-day Saint Philosophy Project is excited to announce its 2023 workshop. The workshop is aimed at promoting philosophical reflections on Latter-day Saint practices. So, submissions must engage philosophically with some aspect(s) of Latter-day Saint practices (broadly construed). Submissions are open to all, but those by early career researchers are especially welcome. We encourage submissions from a wide variety of philosophical traditions, approaches, and  methodologies.

Examples of potential lines of inquiry may include (but are not limited to):

To what extent do LDS religious practices require belief (or other kinds of representational attitudes)?

What sorts of broadly philosophical or theological commitments are presupposed by the structure of various LDS practices?

LDS religious practices often involve distinctive kinds of speech and actions. How are we to understand the nature of the distinctive kinds of speech and actions the practices involve?

What sort of phenomenological analysis might be given of a particular LDS practice?

What features, if any, of a particular LDS practice have ethical significance (of any sort)?

Each accepted speaker will give a 25-minute presentation of their work in progress, followed by a 25-30 minute question-and-answer session. The goal of this workshop is to help develop early-stage ideas into publishable form. We expect that submitted abstracts are for projects in this early stage of development, and hope the workshop can serve the authors in their aim to bring their ideas to fruition.

Submissions may be sent to ldsphilosophyproject@gmailcom. They should be no longer than 500 words, prepared for blind review, and accompanied by a title page including author information. Deadline for Submission is July 7, 2023. Accepted speakers will be notified by July 19, 2023

The conference will be held September 15-16, 2023, at Brigham Young University. Those with questions/requests for accommodations may contact us at ldsphilosophyproject@gmailcom.

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