Inquiry and its Norms II

June 26, 2023 - June 27, 2023
Universidad Complutense de Madrid, UNED Madrid

UNED's Humanities Building - Room B
Pº de Senda del Rey 7, Madrid


  • Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación de España (grant agreement PID2021-123938NB-I00).


New York University
University of Glasgow
Complutense University of Madrid
University of Glasgow


Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia
Complutense University of Madrid

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June 26, 2023

10:30am-11:50am – Mona Simion (Glasgow)

“Evidence, Defeat, and Permissible Suspension”

11:50am-12:20am: Coffee Break

12:20am-1:40pm – Will Fleisher (Georgetown)

“Epistemic Practices: A Unified Account of Epistemic and Zetetic Normativity”

Lunch: 1:40pm-3:10pm

3:10pm-4:30pm – Michele Palmira (Complutense)

“The Puzzle of Defective and Permissible Inquiry”

4:30pm-4:40pm Small Break

4:40pm-6pm – Jane Friedman (NYU)

“Inquiry and the Game of Inquiry”

Dinner: 8pm

June 27, 2023

10:00am-11:20am – Chris Kelp (Glasgow)

“Inquiry and the Proper Starting Point of Epistemology”

11:20am-11:50am - Coffee Break

11:50am-1:10pm – Dan Friedman (Stanford) & Dunja Šešelja (Ruhr University Bochum/TU Eindhoven), joint work with Will Fleisher (Georgetown)

“Towards Epistemically Responsible Fact-Checking of Scientific Claims”

Lunch: 1:10pm-2:40pm

2:40pm-4pm – Sandy Goldberg (Northwestern)

“Revisiting the Epistemic Significance of Reasons to Inquire”

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June 22, 2023, 9:00am CET

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