XV Inter-University Workshop on Art, Mind, and Morality: Philosophy and Film

September 18, 2023 - September 20, 2023
University of Valencia


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University of Chicago

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The Inter-University Workshop on Mind, Art and Morality promotes the interconnections across different areas in philosophy and, more specifically it favors the study of issues lying at the intersection of ethics, aesthetics and the philosophy of mind. In previous editions, the Workshop has been devoted either to the production of a particular philosoher, such as Richard Wollheim, Jonathan Dancy, Christine Korsgaard, Shaun Nichols, David Filkenstein, and Malcolm Budd; or to explore topics like the Philosophy of Music (with Peter Kivy, Noël Carroll or Derek Matravers), Self-Knowledge (with David Filkenstein and Sarah Sawyer) Art and Negative Emotions (with Susan Feagin and Eileen John) or the Cognitive Value of Fiction (with Gregory Currie). The 2023 edition is meant to explore all sorts of interconnections between philosophy and film.

Keynote Speaker: Robert Pippin (University of Chicago)

Call for Papers: We invite submissions on some aspect of the the interconnections between philosophy and film. Papers concerning Robert Pippin’s approach to this topic will be especially welcome. Authors should submit full papers (5000 words) or extended abstracts (2000 words) by May 15, 2023. Submissions should be sent to [email protected]. The layout of the manuscript should accommodate anonymous refereeing (i.e. name and address on a separate sheet, and not repeated in the text). Notification of acceptance should be expected by June 15, 2023.

Scientific Committee

María José Alcaraz (University of Murcia)
Matilde Carrasco (Universidty of Murcia)
Byron Davies (Claustro de Sor Juana University)
Manuel García-Carpintero (Universidad de Barcelona)
Salvador Rubio (University of Murcia 
Chon Tejedor (University de Valencia) 
Enrico Terrone (University of Barcelona)

Website: mindartandmorality.wordpress.com

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