CFP: 2023 Rutgers Summer Institute for Diversity in Philosophy

Submission deadline: April 29, 2023


For more information, please contact:

Professor Derrick Darby

Henry Rutgers Professor of Philosophy
2023 Summer Institute for Diversity in Philosophy
Philosophy Department, Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey
106 Somerset Street, 5th Floor, New Brunswick,
New Jersey 08901-4800 
FAX: 732-246-1049
Email: [email protected]

or Ms. Mercedes Diaz
(Same address as above) 
Tel.: 848-932-9862 or Google Voice: 732-658-2161
FAX: 732-246-1049
Email: [email protected].

To apply on-line

Please complete the Summer Institute Application. First click 'submit' then begin by creating an account.

Application Checklist Please upload the following with your application:
  • This application form with all fields completed. First click 'submit' then begin by creating an account. 
  • Short writing sample between 1250-2000 words, typed and double-spaced.

This should be a paper that will help the selection committee assess your academic and philosophical ability. Typically, but not necessarily, this will be a paper that was written for a college course. Philosophy papers are preferable, but a paper on a topic from any discipline will work if no suitable philosophy paper is available. The most effective paper to submit will be the one which best exhibits your philosophical or academic ability.

  • Personal Essay and explanation of why your background and experiences will help foster greater diversity in philosophy
  • 2 letters of recommendation

Letters should be from people who know you and your work well enough to comment knowledgeably on your philosophical ability and your suitability for this program. Please note: If your letter writers have an issue submitting through the application site, please have them submit their letters here: [email protected]

  • Unofficial transcript

Applicants should upload an unofficial transcript of all their college coursework. Your overall GPA and current enrollment status should be clearly indicated somewhere - if it is not, please also include some verification of your current enrollment status. If you have been to more than one institution, please include transcripts from all institutions. These do not need to be official transcripts sent from your institution's registrar. They can be scans of transcripts that you already have or screenshots of any online transcript that you can access. 

Supporting material

Add supporting material (slides, programs, etc.)