Mythos and Logos: Schopenhauer and the relationship between philosophy and religion
Palace Hotel
- Schopenhauer-Gesellchaft e. V.
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“Mythos and Logos: Schopenhauer and the relationship between philosophy and religion” at the 4th World Congress of Logic and Religion
We are pleased to announce a workshop on “Mythos and Logos: Schopenhauer and the relationship between philosophy and religion,” to be held from September 3rd to September 8th 2023, as part of the 4th World Congress of Logic and Religion in Sinaia, Romania. The workshop will explore the significance of philosophy and religion in the works of Arthur Schopenhauer.
Schopenhauer’s philosophy is recognised for its pessimism and engagement with religious thought, particularly Hinduism, Buddhism, and Christianity. The aim of the workshop is to investigate how Schopenhauer understands the tension between philosophy and religion in his work and what insights his interpretation can offer to contemporary work in philosophy and religious studies.
Submissions on a breadth of topics related to Schopenhauer’s philosophy and its relationship with religion are welcome, including but not limited to:
- Philosophy, religion, and metaphysical consolation
- Narrative and conceptual truth in Schopenhauer
- Schopenhauer and apophatic theology
- Pessimistic and optimistic religions
- Schopenhauer’s interpretation of the inner kernel of Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, and Islam
- Tragedy and religious allegory
The keynote speaker for the workshop will be Professor Matthias Koẞler, President of Schopenhauer-Gesellschaft e. V.
Scholars and graduate students in philosophy, religious studies and related areas are invited to submit an abstract of no more than 500 words and a brief CV to [email protected] by June 15th, 2023. The workshop will feature paper presentations followed by a roundtable discussion.
We anticipate a productive discussion surrounding the relationship between philosophy and religion in Schopenhauer and look forward to receiving your submissions.
Oliver Brown
London Metropolitan University