49th International Hume Society Conference
July 18, 2023 - July 22, 2023
Department of Philosophy, Brigham Young University
101 W 100 N
Provo 84601
United States
- Brigham Young University, Humanities College
- Brigham Young University, Humanities Center
- Brigham Young University, Philosophy Department
Topic areas
The purpose of the Hume Society is to stimulate scholarship on David Hume’s works worldwide.
- anonymous review of submitted papers;
- soliciting commentaries for all papers accepted for the conference programs;
- structured conference in order to allow for a thorough and helpful discussion of presentations;
- ensuring occasions during which participants can meet informally to get to know one another and so continue their conversations beyond the confines of the Conference.
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#https://humeconference2023.byu.edu/, #https://philosophy.byu.edu/events, #https://www.parkcity.org/