Submission deadline: August 31, 2023


War has been one of the oldest and most pervasive features of the human society. Its various forms and types that have been waged throughout history have shaped today’s national and international political, economic, and cultural landscape. In this regard, we wish to emphasise the significance of understanding its causes as well as itspolitical, ethical, cultural dimensions.

In light of the recent Russian-Ukranian armed conflict, the concept and the actual experience of war have re-emerged. Despite the fact that war has been an essential research topic in political philosophy for centuries, the question on its nature and meaning has become vital once again. The morality and military violence relation, the distinction between just and unjust war, the human rights factor, cultural wars and identity (among others), all emerge as crucial issues thathighlight war’s multiple dimensions. As we witness the terrible human loss on the battlefield, we cannot but investigate the complex and multifaceted war phenomenon in the 21stcentury.

The second issue of Public Realm: Postgraduate and Early Career Journal of Philosophy invites young scholars and researchers to submit their original works that address a range of topics specialising on the political philosophy of war. We welcome papers investigating the following themes:

  • War in political theory. The war as politics and as the limit of politics. The understanding of the war concept by philosophers from antiquity until today.
  • The interrelation of the conduct of war with the (inter)national structures of power.

Ideology’s role in the causes and conduct of war.

  • The relation between ethics and war. Realism, pacifism and the concept of “just war”.
  • The interaction of war with the notion of human rights. Discussing humanitarian intervention.
  • The relationship between war and culture. The nature and meaning of cultural wars and value-system

conflicts. The war between the “same” and the “other”. Cultural identities as a vital dimension of military conflicts.

  • The struggle for recognition (in the Hegelian and Heraclitian meaning of the terms). The idea of class war and its relevance today.

Papers should be no longer than 8,000 words, including references, and should be prepared for anonymous review. All submissions should follow the Chicago Manual of Style and include an abstract of no more than 250 words.

Your manuscript must be uploaded through the Journal's website, following the submission guidelines.

Submission deadline: 31.08.2023

Notification of acceptance: 31.10.2023

Publication date: 01.01.2024

Review Process: All submissions will be subject to double-blind peer review. Papers will be evaluated based on their originality, clarity, and scholarly contribution to the field. The editorial team will provide constructive feedback to each author We particularly encourage postgraduate students, young scholars and researchers to submit their work.

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