CFP: Powerful Qualities, Powers, Qualities

Submission deadline: September 3, 2023

Conference date(s):
November 24, 2023

Go to the conference's page

Conference Venue:

University of Cyprus
Nicosia, Cyprus

Topic areas


Call for Abstracts

We are pleased to announce the workshop Powerful Qualities, Powers, Qualities, which will take place on the 24th of November 2023 at the University of Cyprus, Nicosia.

Our invited speakers are:

Kristina Engelhard (University of Trier)

Rögnvaldur Ingthorsson (University of Helsinki)

Lorenzo Azzano (University of Santiago de Compostela)

We have three remaining slots for speakers and invite submissions that address metaphysical questions about powerful qualities and their relation to powers and qualities. Possible topics include, but are not limited to:

How can we understand the claim that properties are both dispositional and qualitative?

What is the proper definition of qualitativity and dispositionality in the context of the Powerful Qualities View?

How can we understand the relation between powerful qualities and the dispositions of their bearers?

What is the role of laws of nature in the context of the Powerful Qualities View?

Is Identity Theory the only viable version of the Powerful Qualities View?

Submissions should include a cover letter (with your name, your institutional affiliation, and the title of your paper) and a separate file with an extended anonymized abstract, up to 1000 words and suitable for a 40-minute talk (followed by 20 minutes Q&A).  

Submission deadline: 3rd of September 2023

Notification of acceptance: 15 September 2023

For submissions, please send your cover letter and abstract at [email protected].

We especially encourage submissions from members of underrepresented groups in philosophy.

There will be no registration fees. This workshop receives funding support from A.G. Leventis Foundation. 

Organizers: Vassilis Livanios (University of Cyprus), Athanasia Yiasoumi (University of Cyprus)

For any queries, please contact Vassilis Livanios ([email protected]). 

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