Feminist Aesthetics: 20 Years Later
Peg Brand Weiser (University of Arizona, Indiana University Purdue University, Indianapolis, University of Oregon)

part of: 81st Annual Meeting of the American Society for Aesthetics
November 18, 2023, 2:45pm - 4:45pm
American Society for Aesthetics

2399 Richmond Highway
United States

This will be an accessible event, including organized related activities

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Topic areas


Presentations by Cheryl Frazier, Laura T. Di Summa, and Celine Leboeuf on timely topics in feminist aesthetics that include beauty/beautification, the sublime, female agency in film, and disordered eating behavior, will be followed by comments by Peg Brand Weiser and Mary Devereaux. The Feminist Caucus Committee session will focus on developments in feminist aesthetics over the past 20 years since the publication of a Special Issue of HYPATIA: A Journal of Feminist Philosophy entitled "Women, Art, and Aesthetics," Volume 18: Number 4 (Fall/Winter 2003) edited by Brand [Weiser] and Devereaux. The journal can be found at https://www.jstor.org/stable/i290905.

Online registration is required to attend the in-person American Society for Aesthetics Conference.

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