Abstractionism 2
August 10, 2023 - August 12, 2023
UConn Logic Group, University of Connecticut
United States
This event is available both online and in-person
University of St. Andrews
University of Notre Dame
Northwestern University
University of Kansas
University of St. Andrews
Ohio State University
University of Glasgow
University of Stirling
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Talks at this conference
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Celebrating 40 years of Frege’s Conception of Numbers as Objects!
Keynote speaker:
- Crispin Wright (University of Stirling)
With talks by:
- Emery Carlson (University of Minnesota)
- Roy T. Cook (University of Minnesota)
- Fiona T. Doherty (Bios Centre, London)
- Sean Ebels-Duggan (Northwestern University)
- Shay Allen Logan (Kansas State University)
- Eileen Nutting (University of Kansas)
- Walter Pedriali (University of St Andrews)
- Stewart Shapiro (The Ohio State University/University of Connecticut)
- Will Stafford (University of Bristol)
- William Stirton (Independent Scholar)
- James Studd (University of Oxford)
- Alan Weir (University of Glasgow)
Other invited participants include:
- Michael Callaso (University of Minnesota)
- Philip Ebert (University of Stirling)
- Richard Kimberly Heck (Brown University)
- Nathan Kellen (Kansas State University)
- Øystein Linnebo (University of Oslo)
- Fraser MacBride (University of Manchester)
- Sara Parhizgari (University of Minnesota)
Please visit the conference website for further information and the program.
Who is attending?
2 people are attending:
University of Notre Dame
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