CFP: 19th Annual Undergraduate Philosophy Conference at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville

Submission deadline: September 5, 2023

Conference date(s):
October 27, 2023 - October 28, 2023

Go to the conference's page

Conference Venue:

Department of Philosophy, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
Edwardsville, United States

Topic areas


Southern Illinois University Edwardsville will be hosting its 19th Annual Undergraduate Philosophy Confernece


Keynote Speaker

        Shannon Mussett

        Utah Valley University

How to Submit:

Submit your paper electronically as a .doc .rtf or .pdf file. (Only electronic submissions will be considered.) Send the paper as an attachment to Professor Christopher H. Pearson at [email protected]   


Submission Requirements:

·      Papers in any area of philosophy are welcome, but we’d encourage especially papers that focus on Existentialism.

·      Students submitting papers must be undergraduates.

·      In the subject line of the e-mail to Professor Pearson please indicate “Undergraduate Philosophy Conference”

·      In the body of the message, please indicate your name, university, and email where you wish to be contacted.

·      Attach to the essay itself a cover page, which should include the author’s name, institution, and email.

·      Prepare the paper for blind review.  The author’s name, institution, and contact information should only appear on the cover page attached to the essay and in the body of the email submitted to Professor Pearson.

·      The paper must not exceed 3000 words in length [not counting bibliography and notes]. Be sure to include the word count on the essay’s cover page.

·      Title of the paper should appear on both the cover page and on the paper itself

Supporting material

Add supporting material (slides, programs, etc.)