The World Crisis and the Key to Its Resolution
Nicholas Maxwell (University College London)

September 15, 2023, 12:00pm - 1:00pm

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Nicholas Maxwell

Title:  The World Crisis and the Key to Its Resolution


Humanity faces two fundamental problems of learning: learning about the universe, and learning how to become civilized.  We have solved the first problem, but not the second, and that puts us in a situation of great danger.  Almost all our global problems have arisen as a result.  It has become a matter of extreme urgency to solve the second problem.  The key to that is to learn from our solution to the first problem how to solve the second one.  This was perhaps the basic idea of the 18th century Enlightenment, but in implementing it, the Enlightenment blundered.  Their mistakes are still built into academia today.  In order to  create a civilized world, it is essential we cure academia of the structural blunders inherited from the Enlightenment.  We need to bring about a revolution in science, and in academia more broadly so that the basic aim becomes wisdom, and not just knowledge.

The talk will be held through zoom.  You can find the link to talk here:

This talk will also be available live streamed on YouTube at

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