Philosophy and the Environment
Hill Lecture Theatre
South Street
Murdoch 6150
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19th Murdoch Colloquium
Philosophy and the Environment
Thursday 23rd November 2023, 9am – 5pm
Murdoch University, South Street Campus
Keynote speaker:
A/Prof. Dalia Nassar (University of Sydney)
“Forms of Environmental Responsibility”
Philosophy and the Environment
19th Murdoch Philosophy Colloquium
November 23rd, 2024 (9am –5.30pm)
Hill Lecture Theatre, Murdoch University
8.45-9.15: Registration
9.15-9.30: Noongar Greeting (Glen Stasiuk); Opening Remarks (Martin Brueckner)
9.30-10.30: Keynote Address: Forms of Environmental Responsibility (Dalia Nassar)
10.30-11.00: Morning Tea
11.00-11.30: Environmentality and Umwelt Theory (Matthew Chrulew)
11.30-12.00: Rethinking the human-nature relationship in the face of the climate crisis (Daniele Fulvi)
12.00-12.30: Should we all be climate warriors? (Or: Can violent climate activism ever be justified?) (Anne Schwenkenbecher)
12.30-1.00: Kinship, Ecology, and Altruism: Environmental Care as a Cosmic Family Affair (Jorge Mendonca & Lucia C. Neco)
1.00-2.00: Lunch
(General Section)
2.00-2.30: “Can we have two golds?” Competition and Flourishing in Modern Sport (Samuel Anderson)
2.30-3.00: Aristotle’s Dialectic in the Topics: Debating Definitions of First Principles (Jabe Dodd)
3.00-3.30: Husserl on Personal Level Explanation (Heath Williams)
3.30-4.00: Afternoon Tea Environmental Ethics Based on Relations: Definitions and Clarifications (Lan Tianxiang)
4.30-5.00: Climate Denialism Bullshit is Harmful (Joshua Luczak)
5.00-5.30: Anthropoiesis: Artistic Responses to Environmental Crises (Alys Daroy & Leo Murray)
5.30: Closing Remarks & Student Prize Presentation
Evening: Drinks on campus, dinner in Fremantle
The Colloquium is kindly sponsored by:
HASS Research Support Scheme, Murdoch University
Contact: Tim Flanagan, email: [email protected]